En Vida Supplement, nuestras fórmulas exclusivas son creadas por un equipo de expertos en salud, nutrición y ciencia. Cada ingrediente es seleccionado en su estado más puro y concentrado, combinando los últimos avances científicos para ofrecer suplementos efectivos que transforman tu bienestar. Nuestros productos, elaborados en Estados Unidos, cuentan con más de 72 certificaciones, incluyendo la FDA, y el respaldo de más de 27 profesionales de la salud de diferentes países.
¿Qué procesos de producción se emplean para garantizar la calidad, la seguridad y la estabilidad de nuestros suplementos?
En Vida Supplement, nuestro objetivo es ofrecerte los mejores suplementos naturales, por eso seguimos un riguroso protocolo que garantiza la calidad, la seguridad y la estabilidad de nuestros productos en todo el proceso de producción. Este protocolo abarca desde la selección y control de calidad de los ingredientes naturales, que verificamos con técnicas analíticas avanzadas, hasta el diseño de formulaciones óptimas que combinan los ingredientes más eficaces para cada objetivo de salud. Así mismo, cuidamos todos los detalles en el mezclado, el encapsulado, el envasado, el almacenamiento y el transporte de nuestros suplementos, usando cápsulas vegetales, envases herméticos y protegidos, en condiciones adecuadas de temperatura, humedad y luz.
¿Qué certificaciones y estándares de calidad avalan nuestro laboratorio?
Our laboratory has the following accreditations that guarantee our commitment to excellence:
- Certificate of Drug Establishment: This certificate certifies that our laboratory is registered with the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and that it meets the legal requirements to manufacture, distribute and market pharmaceuticals, including supplements.
- Annual Food Permit: grants authorization to operate as a food establishment in the state of Florida, where our laboratory is located, and ensures that health and food safety standards are met.
- cGMP: means that our laboratory follows current good manufacturing practices (cGMP), which are the regulations set by the FDA to ensure the quality, purity, potency and consistency of pharmaceuticals.
- FDA: indicates that our supplements have been evaluated and approved by the FDA, which is the agency responsible for protecting public health and regulating products that affect human health.
- GMP EUROFINS: This certification demonstrates that our laboratory has been audited and certified by Eurofins, a leading company in the analysis and certification of foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.
- Free Sale: proves that our supplements are over-the-counter in the United States and can be exported to other countries, provided that the local regulations of each country are met.
- DS Certificate: confirms that our supplements meet the definition of a dietary supplement under US federal law, and that they contain natural ingredients that are not considered as drugs, foods, or additives.
¿Qué certificaciones y estándares de calidad cumplen nuestros suplementos?
Apart from all the certificates mentioned above, each of our supplements has the following accreditations:
- Quality Control COA: certifies that our supplements have been subjected to a rigorous quality control, which verifies their purity, identity and potency through advanced analytical techniques.
- Stability long test: This test checks the long-term stability of our supplements, subjecting them to actual storage conditions during the established period of validity.
- Stability summary: summarizes the results of the long-term stability test, indicating observed changes in physical, chemical, microbiological and biological characteristics, as well as conclusions and recommendations.
- Packaging material: certifies that the material used to wrap and protect our supplements meets the quality, safety and hygiene requirements.
- Processing flow: shows the stages of the production process of our supplements, from the receipt of raw materials to the finished product.
- Accelerated stability: This trial evaluates the stability of our products in the short term and long term.
- Formula Quality Quality: indicates the quantity and quality of each natural ingredient used, expressed in standard units of measurement, and which is based on scientific evidence and synergy between the ingredients.
¿Qué criterios utilizamos para elegir nuestros ingredientes?
Our supplements are made with selected natural ingredients based on scientific evidence of their beneficial effect on health, based on clinical studies, systematic reviews and high-quality meta-analysis. In addition, we use clinical doses that have been proven effective and safe of each natural ingredient, with formulations that maximize its benefits and its
Bioavailability, so that they can be assimilated and used by the body.
Maximum absorption, maximum efficiency.
¿Qué nos hace únicos?
Our supplements have many benefits, which make them unique in the market, some of the advantages that stand out the most are:
- They are made with natural ingredients of high purity, which have been
Selected and extracted following the highest quality standards. - They are formulated with clinical doses that have been shown to be effective and safe in
Scientific studies, which are adjusted to the needs of each person. - They are designed so that all natural ingredients can act
Synergistic form, enhancing its benefits. - They are encapsulated in vegetable capsules that facilitate absorption and digestion, and that do not contain any ingredient of animal origin nor have they been tested in animals.
- They are supported by the most up-to-date and rigorous scientific evidence, with a large team of professionals and doctors.
These and many other advantages make Vida Supplement an option
Smart, healthy and sustainable to improve your quality of life and your well-being.